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来源:整理 时间:2023-07-03 13:47:44 编辑:游戏装备道具 手机版






你好!游戏皮肤Game skin



Equipment 或者 呃 outfit





Play some entertainment equipments 哦~~~~~ 顶2楼!!!
Playing some entertainment equipments.动词作主语,应该用动名词才对^-^.


王者e79fa5e9819331333365653865荣耀里第一滴血,双杀,三杀,四杀,五杀,团灭的英语写法与谐音如下:第一滴血: First blood。(fer斯特不勒德)双杀: duoble kill。(大波q)三杀: triple kill。(吹波q)四杀: Quadra kill。(夸爪q)五杀:Penta kill。(佩恩塔q)团灭:Ace。(诶死)拓展资料:《王者荣耀》是由腾讯游戏开发并运行的一款运营在Android、IOS平台上的MOBA类手机游戏,于2015年11月26日在Android、IOS平台上正式公测,游戏前期使用名称有《英雄战迹》、《王者联盟》。《Arena Of Valor》,即《王者荣耀》的欧美版本于2018年在任天堂Switch平台发售。游戏是类dota手游,游戏中的玩法以竞技对战为主,玩家之间进行1V1、3V3、5V5等多种方式的PVP对战,还可以参加游戏的冒险模式,进行PVE的闯关模式,在满足条件后可以参加游戏排位赛等。2016年11月,《王者荣耀》荣登2016中国泛娱乐指数盛典“中国IP价值榜-游戏榜top10”。2017年7月2日,腾讯方面发出游戏“限时令”:7月4日起《王者荣耀》12周岁以下(含12周岁)未成年人每天限玩1小时,并计划上线晚上9时以后禁止登陆功能;12周岁以上未成年人每天限玩2小时。超出时间的玩家,将被游戏强制下线。
first blood(fer斯特不抄勒德),double(搭博) kill,triple(吹剖) kill,quadra(夸爪) kill,penta(佩恩塔) kill,Ace(诶袭死)。kill这个很难百用谐音建议你百度翻译里面给他发音一下咯~度
一血 Frist blood (fer斯特白的)双杀 double kill (大伯copyQ)三杀百 triple kill (吹波Q)四杀 quadra kill (夸抓Q)五杀 penta kill (喷特Q)团灭度 Aced (A死)
第一滴血:first blood双杀:double kill三杀:triple kill四杀:quadra kill五杀:penta kill团灭:ace kill


Role: father clouds red flowers white flowers yellow sun red butterfly white butterfly yellow butterfly (music from) the sun: the sun out of myself! Voice-over: the garden there are three beautiful butterflies. One is red, one is yellow, there is only one white. They dance in the garden every day, games, very happy. (Butterfly With music, free-flight) VO: One day, they are playing on the grass and suddenly it began to rain. (Sun, clouds will be ousted) Voice: They fly with red flowers, where the chorus to the safflower request, said Public Butterfly: Safflower sister, sister, safflower, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain made our Linde cold, let your leaves to avoid shelter from the rain under the bar! "Safflower: Red butterfly color like me, please come in! Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in! 3 Butterfly chorus:" We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to a come, we must take a walk. "Voice: rain even wider. 3, where yellow butterflies flying together, in unison, said the request to the congregation yellow butterfly: yellow sister, sister, yellow, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde , let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "Yellow said:" The yellow butterflies the color as me, please come in! red butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in! "3 Butterfly chorus:" We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away. "VO: three white flowers where butterflies fly together, in unison, said the request to the masses white flowers Butterfly: white flowers sister, sister, white flowers, heavy rain us The wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "White flowers said:" The white butterfly colors like me, please come in! Red butterfly, yellow butterflies, do not come in! "3 shakes his head with a butterfly, said:" We have three good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away. "Voice: three butterflies flying in heavy rain years, could not find a place rain really anxious呀!, But none of them are reluctant to leave their friends. Voice Over: At this time, the sun from the clouds crevices father saw, To quickly get rid of dark sky, the sun: Zou Zouzou, stop down the. Voice: fine of. the sun to dry three wings of a butterfly. 3 butterflies facing the sun, but also together in the garden happy dance and play games. butterflies dance along to music.
Role: father clouds red flowers white flowers yellow sun red butterfly white butterfly yellow butterfly(Music from) the sun: the sun out of myself!Voice-over: the garden there are three beautiful butterflies. One is red, one is yellow, there is only one white. They dance in the garden every day, games, very happy. (Butterfly With music, free-flight)VO: One day, they are playing on the grass and suddenly it began to rain. (Sun, clouds will be ousted)Voice: They fly with red flowers, where the chorus to the safflower pleaPublic Butterfly: Safflower sister, safflower sister, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "Safflower: Red butterfly color like me, please come in! Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!3 Butterfly chorus: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."Voice Over: rain even wider. 3, where yellow butterflies flying together, in unison, said the request to the yellowPublic Butterfly: yellow sister, sister, yellow, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "Yellow said: "The yellow butterflies the color like me, please come in! Red butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!"3 Butterfly chorus: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."Voice Over: three white flowers where butterflies fly together, in unison, said the request to the white flowersPublic Butterfly: white flowers sister, sister, white flowers, heavy rain our wings get wet, the rain chills us Linde, let us to avoid the rain, under the leaves of your bar! "White flowers said: "The white butterfly colors like me, please come in! Red butterfly, yellow butterflies, do not come in!"3 Butterfly shook his head and said together: "We three are good friends, loving each other is not breaking up; want to come to one, the one to go away."Voice Over: three butterflies flying in heavy rain years, could not find a place rain really anxious呀! However, none of them are reluctant to leave their friends.Voice Over: At this time, the sun from the clouds crevices father saw, and hastened to put away the air of dark,Sun: Zou Zouzou, stop down the.Voice Over: fine of. The sun to dry three wings of a butterfly. 3 Butterfly facing the sun, but also together in the garden a happy dance and play games. Along with music, dancing butterflies.希望可以帮上!


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